Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays (and, yes, I really created this book banner – my apologies)!

Well, we’re closing in on the end of the year and it really has been a good one. It’s been exciting to have three books out and Jump When Ready, Book 3 will be published next month (working on the follow-up to Streetlights Like Fireworks too, as well as other ideas). But, more importantly, I wanted to thank all of you who’ve read my books this year, those who’ve left reviews (really, thank you so much!) as well as you guys who’ve subscribed to my newsletter (I’ve really enjoyed talking to you and I look forward to receiving emails from you in the future). Thank you for making it such a great year! I thought I’d pay you back by creating possibly the dorkiest book banner ever (notice the fine details on this masterpiece, once again suggesting that a little Photoshop knowledge can be a dangerous thing). Anyway, before I get totally distracted by family, friends, food, presents, food (and more food), I just wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope all of you have fantastic holiday season! See you soon and thanks again very much!