Saturday, April 20, 2013

KDP Select or Not?

There comes a point in every indie writer’s life when he or she must face the question: “KDP Select or not?” I’ve been looking into this and there’s an abundance of opinions out there (by that, I mean a ton). There are those who think KDP Select has had its day and is not very effective anymore. There are others who indicate that it’s just fine if you have a series of books (or at least other books published) but not much good for the stand-alone novel. On the other hand, there are writers who still see KDP Select as being a successful promotion strategy (with a little more legwork involved, possibly, than in the past). What’s an indie to do?

Fortunately, I came across a very informative series of blog posts offered by Ryan Casey, a writer whose work I am now looking forward to reading. Here is the link to Ryan’s blog and one of the posts (you can follow his discussion back from there). So, it seems to me that I’ve got to get the word out somehow about JUMP WHEN READY so why not try KDP Select as a way to make that happen? Sure, I’ll be locked in with Amazon for 90 days but I guess that’s about the worst thing that could happen (after all, they've treated me nicely so far).

So, the long and short of this is that JUMP WHEN READY will soon be offered as a free download and added to the Kindle Lending Library. Pretty awesome, yes? So, keep checking back (or, better, follow this blog) and I will let you all know when this promotion happens!

Then again, the novel only costs $2.99 now so why wait?


  1. Thanks, David -- glad you found my KDP Select series useful.

    Congratulations on the release!


  2. Thanks, Ryan. Your blog posts were very informative -- thanks for taking the time to offer the advice.
    Continued good luck with your novels and stories (I look forward to reading them)!
